SEJ Wrap-Up: Top 10 Review Sites You Need to Monitor and Could Google Sway the Election?

Online reviews have become an essential part of running any type of business in 2015. While traditionally an afterthought, monitoring online reviews is now a necessity, says SEJ contributor Jason Hawkins.

Your first step, however, is to determine where you can find these reviews so you can monitor them. In this week’s top post, Jason presents a list of 10 of the top review sites on the web where you should be monitoring what people are saying about your business. See the full list here. 
SEJ Summit Coming to New York on September 16th!

Anyone can request a complimentary invite to attend a SEJ Summit conference, but big-brand, enterprise marketers will get priority. Tickets are also available for purchase. Admission is $300 per person inclusive of catered breakfast, lunch, breaks, networking reception, and WiFi. To buy, visit our Eventbrite page.
Could Google Sway the Election?

Google search has the power to rig the 2016 election, at least that’s what researchers have come to believe. According to their study, something called the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) has the ability to shift the opinions of undecided voters by 20% or more.
If Google’s search algorithm started to surface more positive results than negative for a candidate, searchers could end up having a more positive opinion of that candidate. Read more about the study and its takeaways inthis week’s top news story.
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